Springer Nature
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Additional file 6: of Chinstrap penguin population genetic structure: one or more populations along the Southern Ocean?

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posted on 2018-06-13, 05:00 authored by Isidora Mura-Jornet, Carolina Pimentel, Gisele Dantas, Maria Petry, Daniel González-Acuña, Andrés Barbosa, Andrew Lowther, Kit Kovacs, Elie Poulin, Juliana Vianna
Figure S6. Chinstrap penguins south of their traditional breeding range. A) Breeding pairs at Waterboat Point (Gabriel González Videla base; 64°49’S, 62°51’W), B) a single individual surrounded by gentoo colonies on Doumer Island (Yelcho base; 64°65’S, 63°35’W) and c) another single bird on Avian Island (67°46’S, 68°54’W) in the midst of Adélie penguins. (JPG 43 kb)


Chilean Antarctic Institute
