Springer Nature
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Additional file 6: of CHIMERA repetitive mild traumatic brain injury induces chronic behavioural and neuropathological phenotypes in wild-type and APP/PS1 mice

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-12, 05:00 authored by Wai Hang Cheng, Kris Martens, Asma Bashir, Honor Cheung, Sophie Stukas, Ebrima Gibbs, Dhananjay Namjoshi, Emily Button, Anna Wilkinson, Carlos Barron, Neil Cashman, Peter Cripton, Cheryl Wellington
Amyloid deposits in grey matter. a ThioS was used to stain fibrillary amyloid at the parietal cortex and in fear and spatial memory-related areas. b Quantification of (a) showing the percentage area stained by ThioS. Scale bar represents 100 μm. Data are plotted as mean ± SE. (PDF 151 kb)


Weston Brain Institute
