Springer Nature
13059_2016_1084_MOESM5_ESM.xlsx (380.38 kB)

Additional file 5 of Integrative analysis of genetic data sets reveals a shared innate immune component in autism spectrum disorder and its co-morbidities

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posted on 2016-11-14, 05:00 authored by Sumaiya Nazeen, Nathan P. Palmer, Bonnie Berger, Isaac S. Kohane
Posterior probability analysis. This Excel file contains the minimum Bayes factors and minimum posterior probabilities for null hypotheses for the significant KEGG pathways. It also contains the 100 pathway p value distributions generated by permuting the null data set. Finally, it has Fisher’s combined p values for ASD and its co-morbidities with the null p value distribution (one sheet per disease). (XLSX 380 kb)


National Institutes of Health
