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Additional file 5: of Genomic analysis of the Phalaenopsis pathogen Dickeya sp. PA1, representing the emerging species Dickeya fangzhongdai

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posted on 2018-10-29, 05:00 authored by Jingxin Zhang, John Hu, Huifang Shen, Yucheng Zhang, Dayuan Sun, Xiaoming Pu, Qiyun Yang, Qiurong Fan, Birun Lin
Genomic organization of out-type T2SS in Dickeya strains. The out-type T2SS in D. fangzhongdai PA1 is at locus B6N31_15160–B6N31_15235. Blank boxes = T2SS component proteins; outS = gene encoding lipoprotein; outO = gene encoding prepilin peptidase. (TIF 498 kb)


Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province
