Springer Nature
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Additional file 5: of Fast response of fungal and prokaryotic communities to climate change manipulation in two contrasting tundra soils

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-09-19, 04:11 authored by Jana Voříšková, Bo Elberling, Anders Priemé
Identification of the 30 most abundant fungal OTUs from dry and wet tundra soil according to UNITE database, their relative abundance in control (C) and snow manipulated plots (S) across the plant growing seasons (June, July, September and October) and seasonal average (SA). Data of relative abundance are expressed as means from 6 (24 for SA) replicates, standard errors are shown in italic. Statistically significant differences between control and snow manipulated plots in the individual seasons are highlighted (DESeq2, Benjamini-Hochberg correction, p < 0.05). Abundance (‰) represents mean relative abundance in all samples from particular tundra type. A- Ascomycota, B- Basidiomycota. (PDF 237 kb)


Danish Geocenter Grant
