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Additional file 5: of Comparative transcriptome analysis of Eimeria maxima (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) suggests DNA replication activities correlating with its fecundity

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-09-24, 05:00 authored by Dandan Hu, Chaoyue Wang, Si Wang, Xinming Tang, Chunhui Duan, Sixin Zhang, Jinxia Suo, Miner Deng, Yanli Lv, Xun Suo, Xianyong Liu
Clustered heatmap of all DEGs in three stages of the precocious line and its parent strain. WTM and PLM: merozoites of BJ-WT-130 and BJ-PL-98, respectively; WTUO and PLUO: unsporulated oocysts of BJ-WT-130 and BJ-PL-98, respectively; WTSO and PLSO: sporulated oocysts of BJ-WT-130 and BJ-PL-98, respectively. (PDF 2502 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
