Springer Nature
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Additional file 5 of Classical and computed tomographic anatomical analyses in a not-so-cryptic Alviniconcha species complex from hydrothermal vents in the SW Pacific

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-05-08, 04:03 authored by Sven R. Laming, Stéphane Hourdez, Marie-Anne Cambon-Bonavita, Florence Pradillon
Additional file 5. Additional morphological features identified during dissections (A. kojimai). Photographs that identify additional anatomical details that were not core to the manuscript but merit mention. Includes a photo of the neck furrow when twin channels are present; the anterior-most ventral face of the branchial axis where the osphradium can clearly be seen, the adapical face of the visceral hump where the visceral blood sinus is located and; mosaic micrographs of branchial filaments taken from each Alviniconcha species.


Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (FR)
