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Additional file 5: Table S3. of Expression of microRNAs and isomiRs in the porcine endometrium: implications for gene regulation at the maternal-conceptus interface

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posted on 2015-11-06, 05:00 authored by Kamil Krawczynski, Stefan Bauersachs, Zaneta Reliszko, Alexander Graf, Monika Kaczmarek
Lists of DE miRNAs found in pregnant and cyclic endometria on different days of the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. Differences were considered significant with FDR < 0.05 and −1 < log FC > 1. Comparison analysis between different days of the estrous cycle or pregnancy performed in EdgeR using ANOVA-like analysis. Expression profiles between pregnancy and estrus cycle were compared using t-test. Values in red correspond to up-regulated and in green to down-regulated sequences in selected comparison. Prefixes stand for: hsa - Homo sapiens, mmu - Mus musculus, ssc - Sus scrofa, bta- Bos taurus, cfa - Canis familiaris, eca - Equus caballus, ggo - Gorilla gorilla, oan - Ornithorhynchus anatinus, cgr - Cricetulus griseus, mdo - Monodelphis domestica, rno - Rattus norvegicus, age - Ateles geoffroyi, lla - Lagothrix lagotricha, ptr - Pan troglodytes, sha - Sarcophilus harrisii, ppy - Pongo pygmaeus, mml - Macaca mulatta, oar - Ovis aries. (XLSX 604 kb)


Ministry of Science and Higher Education and National Science Center of Poland
