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Additional file 5: Figure S5. of Involvement of Ubiquitin-Editing Protein A20 in Modulating Inflammation in Rat Cochlea Associated with Silver Nanoparticle-Induced CD68 Upregulation and TLR4 Activation

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posted on 2016-05-04, 05:00 authored by Hao Feng, Ilmari Pyykkö, Jing Zou
Myosin light chain positively stained cells in the rat cochlea 7 days post-intratympanic injection of 0.4 % AgNPs shown by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy or immunohistochemistry. In the cochleae exposed to dH2O, the spiral ganglion cells (SGCs) and inner pillar cells (IPCs) of Corti’s organ (CO) showed moderate staining (D and F), while the inner hair cells (IHCs), outer pillar cells (OPCs), outer hair cells (OHCs), and Deiters’ cells (DCs) demonstrated mild staining (F). The strial basal cells (SBCs) and spiral ligament fibrocytes (SLFs) exhibited extremely weak staining (B). 0.4 % AgNPs had no influence on the staining in the SBCs, SLFs, SGCs, and CO (A, C, and E). Scale bar = 50 μm in A–D and 20 μm in E and F. (JPG 4602 kb)


Seventh Framework Programme
