Springer Nature
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Additional file 4 of Transcriptome analysis reveals differentially expressed genes associated with germ cell and gonad development in the Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)

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posted on 2016-03-10, 05:00 authored by Ido Bar, Scott Cummins, Abigail Elizur
Differentially expressed gonad development and germ cell-related genes in crude vs. Percoll-enriched testis cells. ORF – Open reading frame. Blast hit species, e-value, Bit Score – Blast best hit details. Log2FC – Fold change values (log2 transformed) as determined by edgeR, positive values represent over-expression in testis cells, negative values are over-expressed in the ovary cells. p-value, FDR (false discovery rate adjusted p-value) – edgeR differential expression analysis statistics. KEGG – Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes function. (XLSX 26.5 kb)


Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre
