Springer Nature
12864_2019_5998_MOESM4_ESM.csv (4.07 kB)

Additional file 4: of Screening populations for copy number variation using genotyping-by-sequencing: a proof of concept using soybean fast neutron mutants

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posted on 2019-08-07, 04:23 authored by Marc-André Lemay, Davoud Torkamaneh, Guillem Rigaill, Brian Boyle, Adrian Stec, Robert Stupar, François Belzile
Copy number of templates amplified by 37 primer pairs in mutant and control lines as assessed by a ddPCR assay. ID: the identifier of the mutant; CNV_type: the type of CNV (homdel = homozygous deletion, hetdel = hemizygous deletion, dup = duplication); chr: the chromosome on which the CNV is located; start: the starting position of the CNV; end: the end position of the CNV; primer_pair: the identifier of the primer pair that was used for that assay; mutant_conc: the concentration (in number of DNA templates per μl) measured in the mutant for that assay; mutant_ref: the concentration (in number of DNA templates per μl) measured using reference primer pair BY in that mutant; mutant_n: the copy number of the templates amplified by primer_pair in the mutant as determined by dividing mutant_conc by mutant_ref; control_conc: the concentration (in number of DNA templates per μl) measured in the control for that assay; control_ref: the concentration (in number of DNA templates per μl) measured using reference primer pair BY in the control; control_n: the copy number of the templates amplified by primer_pair in the control as determined by dividing control_conc by control_ref; ratio: the ratio of the copy number of the mutant to the copy number of the control for the templates amplified by primer_pair. (CSV 4 kb)


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