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Additional file 4 of Incidence and time trends of sarcoma (2000–2013): results from the French network of cancer registries (FRANCIM)

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-06, 04:39 authored by Brice Amadeo, Nicolas Penel, Jean-Michel Coindre, Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Karine Ligier, Patricia Delafosse, Anne-Marie Bouvier, Sandrine Plouvier, Justine Gallet, Aude Lacourt, Gaëlle Coureau, Alain Monnereau, Simone Mathoulin-Pélissier, Emmanuel Desandes
Additional file 4: Figure S3. Sarcoma trends and annual percentage change (APC) of world age-standardized incidence rate according to topographic group. FRANCIM network data 2000–2013 (11 registries).


Institut National Du Cancer
