Springer Nature
12862_2018_1213_MOESM4_ESM.txt (195.43 kB)

Additional file 4: of Decadal stability in genetic variation and structure in the intertidal seaweed Fucus serratus (Heterokontophyta: Fucaceae)

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posted on 2018-06-15, 05:00 authored by Alexander Jueterbock, James Coyer, Jeanine Olsen, Galice Hoarau
Microsatellite raw data. Microsatellite genotypes in Structure format. The first row contains the names of all 31 markers. The following rows contain the individual genotype data. Each individual is represented in 2 consecutive rows. The first column contains the name of the individual, the second row contains the population number that individual belong to. The following 31 columns show the alleles of each marker as microsatellites base pair lengths. The population numbers (1–14) refer to the following sampling locations and times: 1) Gjerild Klint, present-day; 2) Gjerild Klint, historical; 3) Green Top, present-day; 4) Green Top, historical; 5) Ile de Siec, present-day; 6) Ile de Siec, historical; 7) Grense Jakobselv, present-day; 8) Grense Jakobselv, historical; 9) Kirkenes, present-day; 10) Kirkenes, historical; 11) Ribadeo 1, present-day; 12) Ribadeo 1, historical; 13) Ribadeo 2, present-day; 14) Ribadeo 2, historical. (TXT 195 kb)


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