Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: of Changes in food intake patterns during 2000–2007 and 2008–2016 in the population-based Northern Sweden Diet Database

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posted on 2019-07-12, 05:00 authored by Ena Huseinovic, Agneta Hörnell, Ingegerd Johansson, Anders Esberg, Bernt Lindahl, Anna Winkvist
Principal component analysis model displaying separation for women during 2008-2016 related to belonging to the four classes/clusters from Latent Class Analysis (Cluster1, red. High-fat spread and high-fat dairy; Cluster 2, dark green. Fruit, vegetables and oil; Cluster 3, light green. Sandwiches, and Cluster 4, blue. Soda and sweets). Panel A: Scores for components 1 versus 2. Panel B: Scores for components 1 versus 4. Further, loading plots corresponding to the score plots based on the 40 food groups responsible for the variation among the women. Location of the four classes/clusters from Latent Class Analysis are indicated. Panel C: Loadings for components 1 versus 2. Panel D: Loadings for components 1 versus 3. (TIF 5427 kb)


