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Additional file 4 of A Nicotiana benthamiana AP2/ERF transcription factor confers resistance to Phytophthora parasitica

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posted on 2020-02-01, 04:45 authored by Jing Yu, Chunyue Chai, Gan Ai, Yuling Jia, Wenjing Liu, Xiong Zhang, Tian Bai, Daolong Dou
Additional file 4: Figure S2. Validation of gene silencing specificity. a Relative expressions of NbERF173 homologous. RNA-Seq data of NbERF236, NbERF244, NbERF246 and NbERF175 were compared in the NbERF173-silenced and control leaves. b VIGS-treated N. benthamiana seedlings. The N. benthamiana seedlings were treated with pTRV:PDS (a positive control to silence the phytoene desaturase gene line), pTRV:NbERF173 and pTRV:GFP (the negative control).


National Natural Science Foundation of China
