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Additional file 4: of A GWAS on Helicobacter pylori strains points to genetic variants associated with gastric cancer risk

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-08-02, 05:00 authored by Elvire Berthenet, Koji Yahara, Kaisa Thorell, Ben Pascoe, Guillaume Meric, Jane Mikhail, Lars Engstrand, Helena Enroth, Alain Burette, Francis Megraud, Christine Varon, John Atherton, Sinead Smith, Thomas Wilkinson, Matthew Hitchings, Daniel Falush, Samuel Sheppard
Figure S4. 3D renderings of the safe and risk allele of HpaA. The 3D structure of 26,695 amino acid sequence of HpaA (HP0797) containing the safe allele (A) and the risk allele (B) respectively was modelled using 2I9I as template. Note that the helix formations in the area changes due to the mutations. Safe allele on the right with Leu 109 and Ser 112 (first 36 aa not included in model) and risk allele to the left with Phe 109 and Ala 112. (PDF 103 kb)
