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Additional file 3: of The value of maintaining normokalaemia and enabling RAASi therapy in chronic kidney disease

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-31, 05:00 authored by Marc Evans, Eirini Palaka, Hans Furuland, Hayley Bennett, Cecilia Linde, Lei Qin, Phil McEwan, Ameet Bakhai
Figure S1. Model-estimated cumulative events over five years, according to CKD stage (a–c), RAASi use (d–f) and incidence of hyperkalaemia (g–i). Figure S2. Impact of RAASi cost and efficacy (0–100% of base case values) on discounted lifetime per-patient costs, QALYs, life years and NMB at conventional WTP thresholds. (DOCX 453 kb)


