Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: of Prevalence and risk factors for impaired kidney function in the district of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional population-representative survey in those at risk of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-06-14, 05:00 authored by Thilanga Ruwanpathirana, Sameera Senanayake, Nalika Gunawardana, Asoka Munasinghe, Samitha Ginige, Deepa Gamage, Jagath Amarasekara, Buddi Lokuketagoda, Pubudu Chulasiri, Sarath Amunugama, Paba Palihawadana, Ben Caplin, Neil Pearce
Age-standardized prevalence rates of CKDu. Table detailing the prevalence of low eGFR in the absence of hypertension, diabetes and proteinuria by sex, age and the study (DOCX 34 kb)


National Science Foundation
