Springer Nature
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Additional file 3 of Predictive computational phenotyping and biomarker discovery using reference-free genome comparisons

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-09-26, 05:00 authored by Alexandre Drouin, Sébastien Giguère, Maxime Déraspe, Mario Marchand, Michael Tyers, Vivian Loo, Anne-Marie Bourgault, François Laviolette, Jacques Corbeil
Supplemental Tables. Table S1. A detailed overview of the sequencing data used in this study; Table S2. A detailed overview of the antibiotic resistance datasets used in this study; Table S3. An analysis of overfitting for the Set Covering Machine and support vector machines with linear and polynomial kernels; Table S4. Average and standard deviation of the sensitivities measured on the testing set for 10 random partitions of each dataset; Table S5. Average and standard deviation of the specificities measured on the testing set for 10 random partitions of each dataset; Table S6. Average and standard deviation of the error rates measured on the testing set for 10 random partitions of each dataset. (PDF 457 kb)


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
