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Additional file 3: of Investigating the mechanism by which SMAD3 induces PAX6 transcription to promote the development of non-small cell lung cancer

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posted on 2018-12-29, 05:00 authored by Zhe Qian, Qiankun Zhang, Ying Hu, Tongmei Zhang, Jie Li, Zan Liu, Hua Zheng, Yuan Gao, Wenyun Jia, Aimin Hu, Baolan Li, Jiqing Hao
Figure S1. Uncropped blot of the result of western blot. (A) the uncropped blot of SMAD3 protein in Fig 1C. (B) the uncropped blot of PAX6 protein in Fig 1G. (C) the uncropped blot of SMAD3 and PAX6 protein in Fig. 2B. (D) the uncropped blot of SMAD3 and PAX6 protein in Fig 2D.(TIF 6168 kb)


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