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Additional file 3: of Entry into puberty is reflected in changes in hormone production but not in testicular receptor expression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-06-21, 05:00 authored by Rüdiger Schulz, Geir Taranger, Jan Bogerd, Wouter Nijenhuis, Birgitta Norberg, Rune Male, Eva Andersson
Table S1. Furthest developed germ cell stage found during the different sampling dates of experiment 1. Column abbreviations represent date, number of males, or germ cell stages (Aund – type A undifferentiated spermatogonia; Adiff – type A differentiating spermatogonia; B – type B spermatogonia; SC/ST – spermatocytes and/or spermatids; SZ – spermatozoa). The vertical line indicates transfer from seawater to freshwater; shading of the dates indicates that 50% (Oct 12) or all showed running milt. (DOCX 22 kb)


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