Springer Nature
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Additional file 3 of Daily cost of consumer food wasted, inedible, and consumed in the United States, 2001–2016

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posted on 2020-04-20, 03:32 authored by Zach Conrad
Additional file 3 : Table S1. Foods included in analysis. NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; CPI, Consumer Price Index; FoodAPS, Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey. 1Approximately 80% of FoodAPS codes come from the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studes (FNDDS), and the remaining codes are manually assigned by FoodAPS staff (FoodAPS). 2Leading digits in each 8-digit food code. 3All codes begin with the prefix “CUUR0000S”. 4Leading digits in each 8- or 10-digit food code. 5Includes crackers and other grain-based snacks. 6Includes French toast and other sweet grain-based foods. 7Includes imitation milk, flavored milk and milk drinks, evaporated and condensed milk, and dry and powdered milk. 8Includes dairy-based sauces. 9Includes lamb, goat, and game. 10Includes sandwiches made from all meat and seafood sources, luncheon meats, and burgers. 11Includes butter and margarine. 12Includes water, alcohol, and beverage concentrates.
