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Additional file 3: Table S4. of Early transcriptomic response to Fe supply in Fe-deficient tomato plants is strongly influenced by the nature of the chelating agent

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posted on 2016-01-07, 05:00 authored by Anita Zamboni, Laura Zanin, Nicola Tomasi, Linda Avesani, Roberto Pinton, Zeno Varanini, Stefano Cesco
Functional annotation of differentially expressed transcripts resulted by the comparison of root transcriptional profiles of Fe-deficient plants supplied for 1 h with Fe-citrate, Fe-PS and Fe-WEHS with root transcriptional profile of Fe-deficient plants. Probe ID, description, species, identity, score, e-value, Uniprot entry and biological GO term were reported. The adjusted p-value and Log2(R) were also reported for each transcript. (XLSX 130 kb)
