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Additional file 3: Figure S3. of BRG1 interacts with GLI2 and binds Mef2c gene in a hedgehog signalling dependent manner during in vitro cardiomyogenesis

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-08-02, 05:00 authored by Joel Fair, Anastassia Voronova, Neven Bosiljcic, Rashida Rajgara, Alexandre Blais, Ilona Skerjanc
Modulation of HH signalling does not affect cell proliferation or survival. (A) Day 7 cells were treated with EdU for 1 h prior to staining. At least 5000 cells per sample, across 20 fields of view, were counted. Error bars represent +/- SEM. Student T-tests were used for statistical analyses. n = 3. (B) The yields of total RNA extracted from mES[Ctrl] and mES[GLI2] are given as a proxy for cell numbers in the cultures. For each time point, n is between 3 and 6, and error bars represent +/- SEM. (C) The proportion of cells with highly condensed, apoptotic nuclei after Hoechst staining at day 7 is given. At least 2500 cells per condition per replicate were counted. n = 2. (D) Yields of RNA in mES cultures treated with methanol vehicle or KAAD-cyclopamine. For each time point, n = 3, and error bars represent +/- SEM. (E) The proportion of cells with highly condensed, apoptotic nuclei is given for vehicle- and KAAD-cyclopamine-treated mES cultures at day 7. n = 2, and at least 500 cells per replicate and condition were counted. (PDF 415 kb)


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