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Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Identification and characterization of an efficient acyl-CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) gene from the microalga Chlorella ellipsoidea

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-02-21, 05:00 authored by Xuejie Guo, Chengming Fan, Yuhong Chen, Jingqiao Wang, Weibo Yin, Richard Wang, Zanmin Hu
A schematic map of the pCAMBIA2301-NOS-CeDGAT1-nos plasmid. The pCAMBIA2301-NOS-CeDGAT1-nos vector contained an expression box of the CeDGAT1 gene from C. ellipsoidea under the control of the NOS promoter and nos terminator; an expression box of the GUS gene controlled by the CaMV35S promoter and nos terminator; and an expression box of the kanamycin resistance gene, which conferred resistance to kanamycin. (DOCX 243 kb)


Agriculture Ministry of China and projects
