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Additional file 2: of l-carnitine in critically ill patients—a case series study

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posted on 2018-04-11, 05:00 authored by Takehiko Oami, Taku Oshima, Noriyuki Hattori, Ayako Teratani, Saori Honda, Toshihiko Yoshida, Shigeto Oda
Figure S2. Distribution of carnitine concentrations on ICU admission. (a) The distribution of t-Carnitine on ICU admission is shown in the histogram. The mean t-Carnitine was 94.9 ± 79.6 nmol/mL, and the median t-Carnitine was 64.2 (50.5–102.3) nmol/mL. (b) The distribution of f-Carnitine on ICU admission is shown in the histogram. The mean f-Carnitine was 68.6 ± 51.2 nmol/mL, and the median f-Carnitine was 50.5 (36.8–80.3) nmol/mL. (ZIP 160 kb)
