Springer Nature
12864_2017_3916_MOESM2_ESM.tsv (20.59 kB)

Additional file 2: of Transcription through the eye of a needle: daily and annual cyclic gene expression variation in Douglas-fir needles

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posted on 2017-07-24, 05:00 authored by Richard Cronn, Peter Dolan, Sanjuro Jogdeo, Jill Wegrzyn, David Neale, J. St. Clair, Dee Denver
Daily environmental data associated with experiment. This file includes date (mm/dd/yyyy), experiment day, Julian day, experiment week, experiment month, minimum air temperature (°C), maximum air temperature (°C), mean daily air temperature (°C), daily precipitation (mm), day length (h:m:s), and the daily sum of solar radiant exposure (MJ/m2). The file can be opened in Microsoft EXCEL or any program that accepts text as tab-separated values. (TSV 20 kb)


National Institute of Food and Agriculture
