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Additional file 2 of Timing the spinal cord development with neural progenitor cells losing their proliferative capacity: a theoretical analysis

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-13, 05:00 authored by Manon Azaïs, Eric Agius, Stéphane Blanco, Angie Molina, Fabienne Pituello, Jean-Marc Tregan, Anaïs Vallet, Jacques Gautrais
Simplified GAN Model. Same legend as Fig. 2. The simplified version of GAN model is when a A-cell only performs A→(N,N) divisions, so γA(t) is forced to the value 1 at any time. This simplified version yields predictions which are practically identical to GAN predictions, except a slight difference in the early rise of nn-divisions, and an incorrect prediction for the MoD under the GoF of mutated CDC25B experiment (i). (PDF 22 kb)


Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (FR)
