Springer Nature
12864_2017_4217_MOESM2_ESM.fasta (1.26 MB)

Additional file 2: of Single-virion sequencing of lamivudine-treated HBV populations reveal population evolution dynamics and demographic history

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posted on 2017-10-27, 05:00 authored by Yuan Zhu, Pauline Aw, Paola de Sessions, Shuzhen Hong, Lee See, Lewis Hong, Andreas Wilm, Chen Li, Stephane Hue, Seng Lim, Niranjan Nagarajan, William Burkholder, Martin Hibberd
Supplementary_genomes.fasta. High quality single virion sequences Single-virion sequences that were reconstructed with BAsE-Seq and used in FastTree phylogeny analysis for all 4 patients. (FASTA 1289 kb)


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