Springer Nature
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Additional file 2 of Long-term expansion, genomic stability and in vivo safety of adult human pancreas organoids

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posted on 2020-02-26, 04:42 authored by Nikitas Georgakopoulos, Nicole Prior, Brigitte Angres, Gianmarco Mastrogiovanni, Alex Cagan, Daisy Harrison, Christopher Hindley, Robert Arnes-Benito, Siong-Seng Liau, Abbie Curd, Natasha Ivory, Benjamin Simons, Inigo Martincorena, Helmut Wurst, Kourosh Saeb-Parsy, Meritxell Huch
Additional file 2: Table S1. Donor Demographics and organoid derivation success. Table summarising organ donor information including age range, Body Mass Index (BMI), ischaemic time of tissue, underlying pathology and success of organoid isolation. All healthy tissue was procured from deceased organ donors whose organs were retrieved for transplantation. Diseased tissue was procured from patients having undergone surgical resection. Pancreatic islets were isolated in the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) Islet Isolation Centre and were subsequently allocated for research.


Wellcome Trust
