Springer Nature
13100_2016_66_MOESM2_ESM.xls (554 kB)

Additional file 2: of Genomic analysis of mouse VL30 retrotransposons

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posted on 2016-05-06, 05:00 authored by Georgios Markopoulos, Dimitrios Noutsopoulos, Stefania Mantziou, Demetrios Gerogiannis, Soteroula Thrasyvoulou, Georgios Vartholomatos, Evangelos Kolettas, Theodore Tzavaras
Common and unique transcription factor binding sites in LTRs of full-length, truncated and solo LTR VL30 sequences. The Microsoft Excel file contains three sheets each one presenting all transcription factor binding sites of full-length, truncated and solo LTR VL30 sequences, respectively. (XLS 554 kb)


Empirikeion Foundation
