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Additional file 2: of Comprehensive assessment of multiple biases in small RNA sequencing reveals significant differences in the performance of widely used methods

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posted on 2019-06-21, 05:00 authored by Carrie Wright, Anandita Rajpurohit, Emily Burke, Courtney Williams, Leonardo Collado-Torres, Martha Kimos, Nicholas Brandon, Alan Cross, Andrew Jaffe, Daniel Weinberger, Joo Shin
Table S2. Statistics for paired t-tests of “accuracy error” of each synthetic miRNA from the mean for each method. Percent difference is calculated as the percent difference of the first method in the comparison relative to the second, thus Clontech had 4.55% less error than Illumina. Percent difference was calculated using more precise means than the rounded means shown in the table. Significant findings are highlighted in yellow. (XLSX 41 kb)
