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Additional file 2 of Clinical experience regarding safety and diagnostic value of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in patients with a subcutaneous implanted cardioverter/defibrillator (S-ICD) at 1.5 T

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posted on 2020-05-18, 03:24 authored by Viktoria Holtstiege, Claudia Meier, Michael Bietenbeck, Grigorios Chatzantonis, Anca Florian, Julia Köbe, Florian Reinke, Lars Eckardt, Ali Yilmaz
Additional file 2: Figure 7. (A) Survey images taken from a water phantom with either an ICD or S-ICD attached to the bottom, showing the larger artifacts produced by the S-ICD; (B) respective B0-maps and corresponding line plots showing the induced frequency shifts to the baseline frequency – noteworthy: from zero to peak frequency shift (ICD approx. 6 cm, S-ICD approx. 9 cm) the induced shift is greyed out/nulled due to too high B0-field disturbances. For example, at a distance of 12.5 cm between heart and device, the S-ICD will induce an approx. 700 Hz larger frequency shift than a conventional ICD.
