Springer Nature
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Additional file 2 of Age-related changes in T lymphocytes of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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posted on 2020-02-13, 05:22 authored by S. Jeske, P. Schuler, J. Doescher, M. Theodoraki, S. Laban, C. Brunner, T. Hoffmann, M. Wigand
Additional file 2: Figure S2. PD1 and CCR7 expression on T cell subtypes. The expression of CCR7 on CD4+ T cells (A) for the different aging groups and corresponding plotted in comparison of healthy and tumor blood CD4+ T cells (B), and Treg for the different aging groups (C) and the comparison of healthy and tumor blood T cells (D). The expression of PD1 and CCR7 on CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and Treg of tumor patients’ blood samples and the co-expression on CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and Treg on corresponding TIL in representative density plots (E). All data are plotted showing the mean or the linear regression. P < 0.05 (*); p < 0.01 (**).
