Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: Table S1. of Calretinin as a blood-based biomarker for mesothelioma

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posted on 2017-05-30, 05:00 authored by Georg Johnen, Katarzyna Gawrych, Irina Raiko, Swaantje Casjens, Beate Pesch, Daniel Weber, Dirk Taeger, Martin Lehnert, Jens Kollmeier, Torsten Bauer, Arthur Musk, Bruce Robinson, Thomas BrĂźning, Jenette Creaney
Dataset of the entire study population. The dataset lists histology (cases), pathologic changes (controls), age range, storage time of samples as well as measured concentrations of calretinin and mesothelin of individuals from all three study groups. (XLS 98 kb)
