Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Multi-platform assessment of transcriptional profiling technologies utilizing a precise probe mapping methodology

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posted on 2015-09-18, 05:00 authored by Jinsheng Yu, Paul Cliften, Twyla Juehne, Toni Sinnwell, Chris Sawyer, Mala Sharma, Andrew Lutz, Eric Tycksen, Mark Johnson, Matthew Minton, Elliott Klotz, Andrew Schriefer, Wei Yang, Michael Heinz, Seth Crosby, Richard Head
Overall average absolute fold-change comparisons across platforms with entire set and transcript pattern (TP) defined subset data, with a focus on the effect of Affymetrix “Signal Space Transformation” (SST) algorithm on the overall platform fold-change magnitude. The SST, in conjunction with the regular robust multiple-array average normalization method (SST-RMA, the dark blue bars), was able to improve the fold-change in the HTA2.0 arrays, and provided a 2-5x greater fold-change estimates overall, as compared to conventional data processing method (regular RMA, the light blue bars). (TIFF 491 kb)


NCI Cancer Center Support Grant
