Springer Nature
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Additional file 22: of GWAS hints at pleiotropic roles for FLOWERING LOCUS T in flowering time and yield-related traits in canola

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posted on 2019-08-07, 04:22 authored by Harsh Raman, Rosy Raman, Yu Qiu, Avilash Yadav, Sridevi Sureshkumar, Lauren Borg, Maheswaran Rohan, David Wheeler, Oliver Owen, Ian Menz, Sureshkumar Balasubramanian
Figure S4. Principal components (PC1 and PC2) analysis showing population structure in a GWAS diversity panel of 368 B. napus accessions. Three major clusters designated as I, II, and III, consistent with the cluster analysis (Additional file 20: Figure S2). (PPTX 2450 kb)


Grains Research and Development Corporation
