Springer Nature
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Additional file 20 of The Local Edge Machine: inference of dynamic models of gene regulation

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posted on 2016-10-19, 05:00 authored by Kevin McGoff, Xin Guo, Anastasia Deckard, Christina Kelliher, Adam Leman, Lauren Francey, John Hogenesch, Steven Haase, John Harer
Figure: Comparison of ODE systems inferred by LEM to networks in silico 3 and in silico 8. We used the networks in silico 3 (a) and in silico 8 (d) to generate data, which was then input to LEM. The most likely regulation of each node (as given by LEM output) was combined to form networks (b,e) with corresponding systems of ODEs. Simulation of the systems of ODEs inferred by LEM was then compared to the original data (c,f). (EPS 1045 kb)


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
