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Additional file 1: of miR-632 promotes gastric cancer progression by accelerating angiogenesis in a TFF1-dependent manner

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-07, 05:00 authored by Ying Shi, Xiaoxiao Huang, Guobin Chen, Ying Wang, Yuansheng Liu, Wei Xu, Shaohui Tang, Bayasi Guleng, Jingjing Liu, Jianlin Ren
Figure S1. Human GC cells were transfected with miR-632-mimic or inhibitor. (A) miRNA mimic upregulated miR-632 expression compared with the negative control in AGS and BGC823 cells. (B) miRNA inhibitor downregulated miR-632 expression compared with the negative control in MKN45 and MGC803 cells. The experiments were performed at least three times independently. **P < 0.01. (DOCX 233 kb)


Medical Research Fund of Guangdong Province, China
