Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Utilising datasheets for the informed automated design and build of a synthetic metabolic pathway

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-18, 05:00 authored by Kealan Exley, Christopher Reynolds, Lorna Suckling, Soo Chee, Argyro Tsipa, Paul Freemont, David McClymont, Richard Kitney
The Supplementary Information. PDF file containing Table S1 (part information of the lycopene biosynthetic pathway), Table S2 (effect summary table), Figure S1 (graphical illustration summary of SynBIS to DOE converter), Figure S2 (E.coli colonies containing lycopene pathway), Figure S3 (flowchart of the automated design) and Figure S4 (a datasheet). (DOCX 2353 kb)


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
