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Additional file 1: of The retinal environment induces microglia-like properties in recruited myeloid cells

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-07-21, 03:34 authored by Scott McPherson, Neal Heuss, Ute Lehmann, Heidi Roehrich, Md. Abedin, Dale Gregerson
Figure S1 Confocal microscopy of GFP and YFP expression in retinas from CD11c and/or CX3CR1 promoters in transgenic mice. (A) GFPhi cells present in the outer plexiform layer of naïve CD11cDTR/GFP retina. (B) Detection of YFPhi cells in the outer plexiform layer of naïve CX3CR1YFP-creER retina. (C) Double transgenic CD11cDTR/GFP:CX3CR1YFP-creER mice demonstrated YFP and GFP co-expression in some cells in the outer plexiform layer of the naïve retina. Note the cell in the lower right that is both YFP+ and GFP+. (D and E) Perivascular GFPhi cells in naïve and day 7 post-ONC CD11cDTR/GFP retinas. Green-GFP; red-isolectin B4. (F) GFPhi cells were also found near small vessels in the vascular plexus in the inner plexiform layer. Green—GFP; red—CD11b; blue—isolectin B4. (DOCX 998 kb)


National Eye Institute
