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Additional file 1: of The effect of a lifestyle intervention in obese pregnant women on gestational metabolic profiles: findings from the UK Pregnancies Better Eating and Activity Trial (UPBEAT) randomised controlled trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-21, 05:00 authored by Harriet Mills, Nashita Patel, Sara White, Dharmintra Pasupathy, Annette Briley, Diana Santos Ferreira, Paul Seed, Scott Nelson, Naveed Sattar, Kate Tilling, Lucilla Poston, Deborah Lawlor
Box S1. Description of methods for the NMR platform used to quantify metabolic profiles, and detailed description of all statistical methods, including assumptions of these. Table S1. Participant characteristics with additional detail compared to Table 1 in main paper. Table S2. Metabolic measures quantified by the NMR platform used for this study. Table S3. Absolute difference between 16 and 36 weeks of gestation for each metabolic trait in obese pregnant women who were randomised to the control arm of the UPBEAT RCT (n = 577). Table S4. Mean concentration at 16 weeks of gestation and mean rate of change in concentration per 4 weeks of gestational age between 16 and 36 weeks of gestation for each metabolic trait in obese pregnant women in the UPBEAT RCT (n = 115). Table S5. Effect of the UPBEAT diet and physical activity lifestyle intervention on metabolic profiles: difference in mean rate of change in metabolic traits (original units) between women receiving intervention and the control group (n = 1158). Table S6. Correlations between estimates of mean slope from different sensitivity analyses. Figure S1. Stages and methods used for NMR platform metabolic measures (adapted from Wurtz et al. [12]). Figure S2. Illustration of the timing of metabolite measurements. Figure S3. Comparison of the effect of the UPBEAT intervention between 16 and 28 weeks of gestation and between 28 and 36 weeks of gestation (n = 1158). Figure S4. Comparison of results from our main multilevel model analyses and sensitivity analyses using generalised estimating equations for the effect of the UPBEAT intervention on change in metabolites. (DOCX 2580 kb)


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