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Additional file 1: of Teriflunomide attenuates neuroinflammation-related neural damage in mice carrying human PLP1 mutations

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-07-03, 05:00 authored by Janos Groh, Michaela HĂśrner, Rudolf Martini
Figure S1. Lack of impact of teriflunomide treatment on blood leukocyte numbers. Figure S2. Confirmation of PD-1 expression as a marker of CD8+ CD122+ regulatory T cells in the CNS of PLPmut mice. Figure S3. Preventive but neither terminated nor therapeutic treatment impairs the increase of CD4+ T-lymphocyte numbers in PLPmut mice. Figure S4. Lack of evidence for an immune-unrelated effect of therapeutic teriflunomide treatment. Figure S5. Lack of evidence for an immune-unrelated effect of therapeutic teriflunomide treatment on histopathological features. Figure S6. Long-term preventive treatment does not reduce T-lymphocyte and microglia/macrophage numbers but leads to a reduction of activated Sn+ microglial cells. (PDF 1034 kb)


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