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Additional file 1: of Synthesis of Cubic Ni(OH)2 Nanocages Through Coordinating Etching and Precipitating Route for High-Performance Supercapacitors

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-08-03, 04:59 authored by Liangliang Tian, Tong Yang, Wanrong Pu, Jinkun Zhang
Figure S1. SEM image of the Ni(OH)2 BNCs sample. Figure S2. (a) XRD pattern and (b) SEM image of Cu2O templates. Figure S3. The relationship between peak current and square root of scan rates. Figure S4. The relationship between specific capacitance and charging-discharging current densities for Ni(OH)2 NCs/NF. Figure S5. (a) The GCD curves of Ni(OH)2 BNCs/NF at different current densities; (b) The relationship between specific capacitance and current densities for Ni(OH)2 BNCs/NF. Figure S6. The cycling stability of Ni(OH)2 BNCs/NF. Figure S7. The equivalent circuit of EIS. Figure S8. The GCD curves of Ni(OH)2 BNCs/NF//AC at different current densities. Figure S9. The cycling stability of Ni(OH)2 BNCs/NF//AC. (DOC 2752 kb)


the funding of National Natural Science Foundation of China
