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Additional file 1: of Sequential disruption of ALV host receptor genes reveals no sharing of receptors between ALV subgroups A, B, and J

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-02, 05:00 authored by Hong Lee, Kyung Park, Kyung Lee, Yongxiu Yao, Venugopal Nair, Jae Han
Figure S1. Sequences of the targeted regions within tva-modified DF-1 clones. Red arrows indicate TVA#1 and TVA#4 targeting regions. A reference sequence is shown. Figure S2. Sequences of targeted regions within (a) chNHE1, (b) chNHE1 and tvb, and (c) chNHE1, tvb, and tva-modified DF-1 clones. Red arrows indicate the (a) NHE1#3, (b) TVB#2, and (c) TVA#1 and TVA#4 targeting regions. Reference sequences are shown. (DOCX 848 kb)


National Research Foundation of Korea
