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Additional file 1: of Screening for Zika virus RNA in sera of suspected cases: a retrospective cross-sectional study

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posted on 2018-10-11, 05:00 authored by Lívia Sacchetto, Danielle Zauli, Galileu Costa, Sarah Guagliardo, Luige Alvim, Feliciana Marinho, Jônatas Abrahão, Giliane Trindade, Erna Kroon, Elvis Mateo, Betânia Drumond
Figure S1. Geopolitical map of Brazil. The Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia states, where Zika virus was first reported, is highlighted. Brazilian Federative Units are indicated as follows: DF: Distrito Federal; GO: Goiás; MS: Mato Grosso do Sul; MT: Mato Grosso; AC: Acre; AM: Amazonas; AP: Amapá; PA: Pará; RO: Rondônia; RR: Roraima; TO: Tocantins; AL: Alagoas; BA: Bahia; CE: Ceará; MA: Maranhão; PB: Paraíba; PE: Pernambuco; PI: Piauí; RN: Rio Grande do Norte; SE: Sergipe; PR: Paraná; RS: Rio Grande do Sul; SC: Santa Catarina; ES: Espírito Santo; MG: Minas Gerais; RJ: Rio de Janeiro; SP: São Paulo. Brazilian states in each region are as follows: South: RS, PR, and SC; North: AC, AP, AM, PA, RO, RR, and TO; Southeast: MG, SP, RJ and ES; Midwest: MT, MS, GO and DF; Northeast: AL, BA, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN and SE. (TIFF 261 kb)


Hermes Pardini Institute
