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Additional file 1 of Relationship between ABO blood groups and cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes according to diabetic nephropathy status

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-05-20, 03:53 authored by Erika B. Parente, Valma Harjutsalo, Markku Lehto, Carol Forsblom, Niina Sandholm, Per-Henrik Groop
Additional file 1: Table S1. Specific codes used for the cardiovascular outcomes from the relevant registries.Table S2. IHD risk of ABO blood groups stratified by nephropathy stages. Table S3. Comparison between individuals with normo and microalbuminuria with A-blood-group. Table S4. Ischemic stroke risk of ABO blood groups stratified by nephropathy stages. Table S5. Peripheral artery disease risk of ABO blood groups stratified by nephropathy stages. Table S6. List of physicians and nurses at each of the FinnDiane centers participating in patient recruitment and characterization.


Samfundet Folkhälsan Academy of Finland Wilhelm och Else Stockmanns Stiftelse Novo Nordisk Fonden (DK) Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes
