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Additional file 1: of Parallel profiling of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation highlights neuropathology-associated epigenetic variation in Alzheimer’s disease

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-21, 05:00 authored by Adam Smith, Rebecca Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Eilis Hannon, Janou Roubroeks, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Carolyn Sloan, Jonathan Mill, Daniel van den Hove, Katie Lunnon
Tables S1, S2 & S3. The 100 most significant neuropathology-associated differentially methylated (DMPs), hydroxymethylated (DHPs) and unmodified positions (DUPs) in the EC. Shown for each probe are chromosomal location (hg19), UCSC annotation, and GREAT annotation, with corrected effect size (difference between Braak 0 and Braak VI (Δ)) and corresponding P value after adjusting for the co-variates of age, sex, and neuron/glia proportions. Probes where the 5hmC was below the level of detection are represented by “-”. All P values < 0.05 are shown in bold. (PDF 1344 kb)


Alzheimer's Association (US)
