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Additional file 1 of Microbial burden and viral exacerbations in a longitudinal multicenter COPD cohort

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-31, 03:42 authored by Jerome Bouquet, David E. Tabor, Jonathan S. Silver, Varsha Nair, Andrey Tovchigrechko, M. Pamela Griffin, Mark T. Esser, Bret R. Sellman, Hong Jin
Additional file 1 : Table S1. Sample characteristics. Table S2. Statistical significance of Alpha and Beta microbiota diversity metrics against demographic and clinical variables using Qiime2’s diversity plugin. Figure S1. Shannon diversity following antibiotic treatment in Europe and USA patients. Figure S2. Microbiota composition and diversity across study sites. Figure S3. Principal coordinate analysis of weighted UniFrac distances of the sputum microbiota colored by (A) geography and sample type, (B) most predominant bacterial taxa, and (C) viral infection. Figure S4. Bacteria associated with COPD exacerbation or frequency of exacerbation. (A) Abundance of Moraxella and H.parainfluenzae identified by analysis of composition (ANCOM) of microbiota between stable and exacerbated samples. (B) Cladogram of bacterial taxa identified by ANCOM comparing Frequent (> 2 exacerbation event/ year) to Infrequent exacerbator. Figure S5. Adjusted odds ratio of bacterial abundance (top/bottom quartile) in stable samples only to be associated with frequent exacerbations. Figure S6. Cladogram of 55 Differentially abundant bacterial taxa identified by ANCOM comparing consistent to variable longitudinal microbiota patient profiles at stable state.


