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Additional file 1: of Low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient hepatocytes differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells allow familial hypercholesterolemia modeling, CRISPR/Cas-mediated genetic correction, and productive hepatitis C virus infection

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posted on 2019-07-30, 04:18 authored by Jérôme Caron, Véronique Pène, Laia Tolosa, Maxime Villaret, Eléanor Luce, Angélique Fourrier, Jean-Marie Heslan, Samir Saheb, Eric Bruckert, María Gómez-Lechón, Tuan Nguyen, Arielle Rosenberg, Anne Weber, Anne Dubart-Kupperschmitt
Figure S1. Characterization of FH-iPSCs. (A) FH-iPSCs display the typical hESC-like morphology cultured on irradiated MEFs. (B) Representative RT-PCR for indicated stem cell markers in FH-iPSCs. (C) Representative FACS analyses for indicated stem cell markers in FH-iPSCs. Black lines indicate isotype control antibody and red lines, positive cell immunostaining. (D) Representative pictures of immunostainings for indicated stem cell markers in FH-iPSCs. Scale bars: 50 μm. (E) Karyotype analysis showed no genetic abnormalities induced by the correction process. (F) FH-iPSCs generated embryoid bodies expressing specific proteins of derivatives from the 3 embryonic germ layers: PAX6 (ectoderm), αSMA (mesoderm) and AFP (endoderm). (TIF 2224 kb)


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